“U”-istii apeleaza la FIFA si UEFA
Suporterii lui U CLUJ se folosesc de toate metodele pașnice pentru a-și apăra Simbolul. Astfel 2 U-iști au iniția un protest public despre abuzurile făcute de walter bușcărie, protesc care a fost pe larg promovat în presa națională. Acesta a fost tradus în engleză și trimis la FIFA și UEFA. Și eu am trimis cel puțin 3 mesaje în trecut despre situația de la U CLUJ, da rnu am primit niciun răspuns de la forurile futebalistice pentru că nu sunt interesați de soarta echipelor din România atâta timp cât Nașu cotizează cât trebuie ei nu au niciun interes la noi. Sunt sceptic că se va rezolva ceva prin acest demers, dar e bine că se unesc U-iștii în aceste momente grele prin care trece Universitatea Cluj. Mai jos puteți citi scrisoarea care a fost trimisă la FIFA și UEFA:
O scrisoare de informare asupra mafiei ce este implicată la Universitatea Cluj a fost trimisă atât la sediul central FIFA, cât şi la cel UEFA. Pentru a ajunge în siguranţă cât mai rapid, cele două plicuri au fost expediate chiar din Elveţia, ţara unde se află sediile celor două foruri fotbalistice.
Mai jos puteţi citi traducerea în româneşte a scrisorii, cu precizarea că a fost ataşat şi articolul în limba engleză publicat în urmă cu câteva zile pe ucluj.ro. Acum mingea este în terenul celor mari. Urmează să vedem dacă îi interesează ca şi în România fotbalul să treacă printr-un proces de curăţenie.
Adresa este susţinută de doisprezece jurnalişti, urmând a mai face cunoscut şi altor ziarişti străini şi români demersul nostru. Vom continua acţiunea de popularizare în media română şi străină a demersului nostru. În plus, vom aduce în continuare dovezi ale corupţiei din fotbalul românesc.
Stopaţi mafia din fotbalul românesc!
În numele mai multor jurnalişti români dorim să vă informăm despre grave incălcări ale regulamentelor sportive care au loc în Liga 1 a Campionatului Naţional de Fotbal din România. Este vorba de abuzurile care s-au comis împotriva clubului „Universitatea” Cluj, club fondat în 1919, chiar de patronul acestei echipe Florian Walter, în complicitate cu preşedintele Ligii Profesioniste de Fotbal, Dumitru Dragomir.
1. Contrar regulamentelor Florian Walter este patron la două echipe din prima liga română: „U” Cluj, din 2009 şi Petrolul Ploieşti din 2012. Acest lucru a fost recunoscut de Dumitru Dragomir (LPF) dar şi de alte persoane. De fapt, reiese si din actele de la „Registrul Comertului”, că acesta conduce două cluburi.(Inclusiv de cei care au vrut să cumpere „U” Cluj au negociat cu Walter în ultimele luni).
2. Când a preluat Petrolul, el a transferat toţi jucătorii de la „U”, fără sumă de transfer, devalizând clubul din Cluj, aflat acum in pericol de desfiinţare.. Există şi un dosar penal, pentru că s-au încălcat grav legile fiscale din România. Cu toate acestea, conducerea LPF susţine că Florian Walter nu a încălcat nici un regulament şi că reglementările LPF sunt mai presus de Codul Fiscal şi îi permit să comită fraude fiscale.
3. Conducerea LPF, are acest obicei de a gira fărădelegile patronilor de club. Astfel Unirea Urziceni, campioană a României, a încasat sume mari de bani din Liga Campionilor (2009-2010), după care s-a desfiinţat, brusc. În loc ca aceste sume să dezvolte fotbalul din România, banii au intrat în buzunarul unui om de afaceri, „protejat”, „educat” şi „dirijat”, chiar de conducerea fotbalului românesc. Practic, UEFA a fost înşelată cu peste 10-12 milioane Euro. În cazul Politehnicii Timişoara, club fondat in 1921 (desfiinţat, practic, din cauza datoriilor) patronul a vândut peste 20 de jucători, în 2011 şi 2012, dar clubul nu a încasat aproape nimic (LPF şi FRF au avizat aceste transferuri şi au inchis ochii la distrugerea cluburilor)
4. În toată Liga transferurile sunt extrem de dubioase. Sumele vehiculate nu corespund niciodată. De asemenea, întregul circut financiar este conceput înspre folosul patronilor şi nu al cluburilor. Există suspiciuni ca drepturile de televizare nu s-au incasat de către cluburi ci au fost virate, cu complicitatea lui Dragomir, în conturi ala patronilor. Se inalca grav cele 11 principii UEFA
În fotbalul românesc neregulile sunt imense şi au început să fie tot mai cunoscute. Vă ataşăm traducerea unui articol („Walter, dile de dosar”) care enumeră doar câteva dintre gravele încălcări ale legii care s-au petrecut în legătură cu „U” Cluj în ultima jumătate de an. Precizăm că atât procurorii de la „crimă organizată” cât şi Garda Financiară cercetează situaţia financiară, mai exact modul în care clubul „U” Cluj a fost devalizat. (Articolul a fost publicat pe siteul ucluj.ro şi a fost reluat de posturi de radio (GSP), de televiziune (DIGI) şi de mai multe publicaţii: Ştiri de Cluj, Ştiri de Sport, Foaia Transilvană, Monitorul de Cluj, Libertatea şi altele. Murdăria din fotbalul românesc promovată exact de cei care conduc Liga a „trecut” chiar şi Oceanul Atlantic (http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/27/as-transylvania-goes-so-goes-romania/)
Semnatarii acestei petiţii au ales a vă aduce la cunoştinţă aceste abuzuri, pentru ca instituţiile dumneavoastră să le verifice şi să intervină în favoarea reimpunerii legalităţii şi în favoarea fotbalului din România, distrus „pas cu pas” de un sistem mafiot. Aşteptăm răspunsul dumneavoastră cu ferma convingere că va fi un semnal de încurajarea a activităţii fotbalistice din România. Vă stăm la dispoziţie cu informaţii complementare.
Cu consideraţie,
Adrian Cinpoeru
Gelu Radu
Aici puteți citi și varianta în engleză.
Mr. Michel Platini, UEFA president
Stop the Romanian football mafia!
On behalf of several Romanian journalists, we want to inform you about serious violations of sporting regulations which take place in League 1 of the Romanian Football Championship. It is about the abuses that were made against the “Universitatea” Cluj-Napoca football club, founded in 1919, by the club’s owner himself, Florian Walter in complicity with Dumitru Dragomir, the president of the Professional Football League(LPF).
1.Contrary to regulations in force, Florian Walter is the owner of two Romanian First League clubs: “U” Cluj from 2009 and Petrolul Ploieşti from 2012. This fact was admitted by Dumitru Dragomir and several other people. The fact that he owns two football clubs is shown even in the “Trade Register’s” papers (Also, the people who wanted to buy “U” Cluj in the last months have negotiated with Florian Walter).
2. When he took over Petrolul Poieşti, he embezzled “U” Cluj by transferring all the football club’s players with no transfer fee. Because of these actions “U” Cluj football club faces bankruptcy. There also exists a penal file, because the tax laws in Romania have been seriously violated. However, LPF leadership claims that Florian Walter did not violate any regulations and that LPF’s (Professional Football League) regulations are above the Tax Code and allow him to commit tax fraud.
3. The LPF leadership has the habit of facilitating the club owners’ law infringing actions . For example Romanian champions Unirea Urziceni, after receiving large sums of money by participating in the 2009-2010 season of the Champions League abruptly disbanded. The money should have helped Romanian football to develop but instead it went into the pockets of a business man who was “protected”, “educated” and “controlled” by the Romanian football’s leadership itself. Basically, UEFA was deceived by over 10-12 million Euro. In the case of Politehnica Timişoara, club founded in 1921 (a club that was basically dissolved because of its debts), the club’s owner has sold in 2011 and 2012 over 20 players but the club has not received any money (the LPF and FRF (Romanian football Federation) have approved these transfers and closed their eyes when the clubs were destroyed).
4. There are dubious transfers made throughout the First League. The declared transfer fees and the real ones are never the same. Also, the entire cash flow is designed for the club owner’s benefit and not the football club’s. It is suspected that the TV rights weren’t received by the clubs but transferred in the club owner’s accounts with the complicity of Dumitru Dragomir. Apart from the sport regulations and the laws in-force the 11 values that UEFA strongly promotes and to which it relates to, are blatantly violated.
Irregularities in Romanian football are huge and are increasingly beginning to be known. We attach a translation of an article that lists just some of the serious violations that occurred in the last half year in connection with “Universitatea” Cluj Napoca football club. We also specify that both “organized crime” and Financial Guard prosecutors investigate the club’s financial situation and how exactly the club was dilapidated (this article was posted on the website www.ucluj.ro and was then broadcast by radio stations (GSP), television channels (DIGI) and posted in different publications: Ştiri de Cluj, Ştiri de Sport, Foaia Transilvană, Monitorul de Cluj, Libertatea and others. The filth of the Romanian football which is promoted exactly by the League’s leadership, has even ‘crossed‘ the Atlantic Ocean being posted on http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/27/as-transylvania-goes-so-goes-romania/
The undersigned have chosen to let you know about these abuses, for your institutions to check them and intervene in favor of re-imposing the law and in the favor of Romanian Football which is destroyed step-by-step by a mafia system.
We are waiting for you answer which we are firmly convinced will be a signal to encourage football activity in Romania. If necessary we can provide you additional information.
With consideration,
Gelu Radu
Adrian Cinpoeru
This is not football , it’s mafia !
Romanian football isn’t about entertainment anymore. It’s not even a business. Romanian football is about political interest, robbery and corruption. All with the complicity of FRF ( Romanian Football Federation ) and LPF ( Professional Football League ). And now, the contemporary Romanian football, is destroying a historic club. “U” Cluj is founded in 1919. In 1922 in a match against Serbia, Romanian national team’s first ever captain was Aurel Guga who was at that time playing for “U”. Many other players from different sport branches played for the national teams. “U” , being founded long before LPF, actively participated in the development of FRF and LPF. “U” Cluj players were selected in the Romanian team at every final tournament of a world cup where Romania qualified. But now , ‘ the children ’ , LPF and FRF, have ‘ devoured their father ‘ . They’ve abandoned him in the arms of a brutal man, a ruthless man, who has a big criminal record: Florian Buşcă-Walter, a man who insults the idea of sport. Money, bribe, relations with the mafia, political interests, they all contribute in destroying one hundred years of beautiful football. The ideas of sport, competition, fair-play from Romania have been ripped apart by the corruption. For everything written in this text , there is proof , there are testimonials, recordings, documents … Even though in detail some figures may not be exactly correct, these facts and deeds exist.
The football club Universitatea Cluj ( known as “U” Cluj ) was acquired in 1919 by Florian Walter, the owner of different businesses ( sanitation , protection , construction ) based in Bucharest. From the beginning , Florian Walter requested support, more exactly state contracts for his companies, from the Cluj-Napoca Local Council and the Cluj County Council. He threatened that if this doesn’t happen he will leave Cluj. And that’s what eventually happened. He just followed his own company’s interests and it’s development, using the football club as a tool for putting pressure on the local authorities. “ If you don’t give me business contracts or money, I leave this club “ – this was his ‘slogan’.
In may 2012, after the last championship finished, Walter gave the club away to a close friend of his, Ioan Marginean and moved to another football club, Petrolul Ploieşti. This departure was only on paper. Factually , there is clear evidence that both “U”Cluj and Petrolul Ploiesti were led in the same time by Florian Walter, information upon which I will get back further in the text. He had assurances from the Ploieşti local authorities that he will receive state contracts for his companies, money and other facilities. He did not only leave “U” Cluj for Petrolul but he also left with the whole team of players. This action was made violating the fiscal laws and sport regulations. Here are just a few abuses committed by Florian Walter, abuses witch the Romanina Fotbal Federation’s and Professional Football League’s leaderships don’t want to recognize. More so, both FRF and LPF, are defending Florian Walter. They even intervened in the press to cover up Walter’s illegalities.
About facts, perpetrators and accomplices
A. Florian Walter – investigated by the ‘organized crime’ prosecutors and by the Cluj Financial Guard for taking part in organized criminal group, embezzlement and tax evasion. The prosecution process has already begun.
Let’s try and help the state institutions with some further “football” information, with examples from criminal deeds made by Florian Walter.
At the beginning of the football season, Florian Walter transferred from Universitatea Cluj to Petrolul Ploiesti the most valuable players, free, no transfer fee was paid .And so , “U” Cluj was facing bankruptcy because the association invested in these players to make a competitive team . Although the club paid important transfer fees to sign these players , they were moved by chairman Walter, in complicity with manager Ioan Mărginean, as free transfers to another club. Bellow is presented the list of players which moved to Petrolul Ploiesti. The manner in which they moved is briefly described based on the information I gathered through journalistic enquiries. Now , the Cluj Financial Guard are performing an investigation which will uncover information on how the players were transferred and which were the transfer fees paid for them. In the same time , the prosecutors from Cluj “ organized crime “ are investigating the way chairman Florian Walter and his accomplice Ioan Marginean have robbed the football club by moving its entire wealth for their own personal use.
List of players moved to Petrolul Ploieşti
1. Mircea Bornescu – part of the national player’s list , free transfered to Petrolul
2-3. Ionuţ Neag and Vlad Morar – youth players raised by “U” Cluj, capped in youth national teams, free transferred to Petrolul. In his defense chairman Florian Walter stated that the players chose to leave for bigger basic salaries. At Petrolul, these two hot prospect players receive basic salaries comparable to the ones that current “U” Cluj players receive. These two transfers are proof that Florian Walter aimed to entirely destroy the football club and robbing the company. (other youth players were transferred besides the two youth players members of national squads, and so the football club also remained without young talents which could have been promoted to the first team starting this season )
4-5 Sebastian Cojocnean and Gaston Mendy. These two players didn’t want to go on transfer to Petrolul Ploiesti. They released press statements on many occasions regarding this subject. They were threatened that they will be moved to the “U” Cluj reserve team and their basic salaries will be decreased. They both had transfer offers of approximately 3-400.000 Euro from important teams like Steaua Bucharest and Dinamo Bucharest but eventually they moved as free transfers to Petrolul.
6. Constantin Grecu. Universitatea Cluj paid 700.000 euro to Pandurii Târgu Jiu for his transfer according to press releases. ( 700.000 euro is the fee Florian Walter declared he paid for the player, but there is information that actually only 300.000 euro were paid ). While playing for “U” Cluj , Grecu was called up to the national team. He then left on a free transfer to Petrolul, “U” didn’t get any money, didn’t recover the expenditure and no TVA ( Value of added tax – VAT ) was registered as it should have happened.
7-8-9 Ovidiu Hoban, Marian Cristescu, George Galamaz – players that played in more than 100 games in the Romanian First League. They came to “U” Cluj when they were in their last 6 months of contract. Fees between 100.000 and 200.000 Euro were paid for them. They also left on free transfers. ( Galamaz is capped at national level )
10. Gheorghe Grozav – freshly capped national player. His market value before joining Petrolul Ploiesti was 1.5 million Euro ( value of transfer offers from Steaua Bucuresti and an Italian team ). He first came on a loan from Standard Liege when he was capped at youth national level and then “U” paid release transfer fee of 250.000 Euro to sign him. This happened just a few months before he left to Petrolul. At the time of his free transfer he was part of the first 11 of the Romanian National Football Team. If the player was so expensive why did “U” Cluj transfer him? If he had such a big basic wage, and he was ‘ unprofitable ‘ why was his release clause paid a few month before his transfer to Petrolul ? By going to Petrolul , “U” remained with the expenses incurred in acquiring the player, and possibly with other debts at the State Budget. The only one who profited from the transfer of Grozav from “U” Cluj to Petrolul Ploiesti is Florian Walter who will benefit from a future transfer of the player.
11. Sebastian Achim. “U” Cluj paid a few hundred euros to Gloria Bistrita for his transfer. He left to Petrolul on a free transfer.
12. Lukasz Szukala. He also joined “U” Cluj from team Gloria Bistrita for a transfer fee of 2-300.000 Euro. Although there were several clubs interested in buying him, he left to Petrolul on a free transfer. After playing a few official matches for Petrolul Ploiesti he was transferred by Steaua Bucuresti and became an important part of the first team playing in the Europa League. I will get back on the aspects concerning the relationship between Florian Walter and Gigi Becali, chairman of Steaua Bucuresti , further in the text because there are dubious transactions between the two of them. The free transfer of Szukala from “U” Cluj to Petrolul and then after two months to Steaua Bucuresti, was just another way to full the authorities and to dilapidate the club. The money from the transfer from Petrolul to Steaua went into Walter’s bank account instead of going into “U” Cluj Napoca’s account, the club who paid for his initial transfer. Universitatea Cluj Napoca football club lost again their initial investition.
13. Adrian Cristea. Romanian international. The player came from Dinamo Bucuresti. Florian Walter was a part of Dinamo Bucuresti’s board of directors before being chairman of “U” Cluj. According to the press, when Cristea joined “U” Cluj , the value of shares Walter had at Dinamo reduced by 1.5 million Euro, exactly the market value of Cristea. Although the player has a good market value he also left on a free transfer to Petrolul Ploiesti.
14. Anthony Nwakaeme ( known as Tony ) a nigerian player. Last season (2011-2012) Florian Walter stated that he received an offer worth 1 mil Euro for the player. Now he left free to Petrolul , team for which he played just a few minutes this season. Tony’s transfer from “U” Cluj to Petrolul Ploiesti was perfected in spite knowing that the player could be sold for an important amount of money just like in Szukala’s case. “U” Cluj was again gravely prejudiced and robbed.
On a side note we should also mention the “Machado-case”. At the beginning of last season (2011-2012) three players came to “U”Cluj from Steaua Bucuresti, whose chairman is Gigi Becali a friend of Florian Walter’s, those three players are : Octavian Abdrudan, Alexandru Păcurar and Lucian Marinescu. From what we heard transfer papers have not been elaborated. according to our knowledge. For this transfers Florian Walter remained in debt, as a private person, to Steaua’s chairman so as no incomes would be registered and no taxes would be paid. Gabriel Machado left “U” Cluj to join Steaua Bucuresti during last season’s winter transfer period. Sheriff Tiraspol club offered 1 million Euros for Machado while he was still playing for “U” Cluj. Later, Gigi Becali announced during a TV sport show that he bought Machado with 700.000 money that Florian Walter had to pay back to Becali for signing the three players in the beginning of the same season. Furthermore Dorinel Popa, who was valued at that time at 250.000 Euro, also joined “U” Cluj from Steaua Bucuresti as part of Machado’s transfer. We don’t know if the real values of these transfers were registered but we know for sure that four players joined “U” Cluj from Steaua Bucuresti for Gabriel Machado. These players are the following:
15-16. Octavian Abrudan and Alexandru Păcurar. At the beginning of this season, Abrudan was sold to Rapid Bucuresti and Păcurar to TSKA Sofia. They both didn’t want to move to Petrolul Ploiesti and also didn’t want to leave “U” Cluj , the team for which they started playing football. They were threatened that they will be moved to the “U” Cluj reserve team and their basic wages decreased. So the two of them left “U” Cluj and transfer fees were paid by the clubs they joined. We don’t know if this money went into “U” Cluj’s accounts or Walter’s. ( it is said that the money went into other accounts than “U”Cluj’s because it’s rumored that no money was paid for Păcurar by TSKA Sofia althought he was an important first team player for Universitatea ) As far as we know , “U” Cluj didn’t profit from these two transfers otherwise the debts that the club has at the State Budget would have been reduced.
17-18. Laurentiu Marinescu and Dorinel Popa. Marinescu made his international debut during the time he was playing for “U” Cluj and his marked value is around 1 million euro. Both of them were transferred at the beginning of this season to Petrolul Ploiesti and no transfer fee was paid to Univesitatea Cluj. A public scandal started when the new Petrolul signing, Dorinel Popa, was rejected by his new coaches. He was then sent back to “U” Cluj as if the Cluj team was Petrolul Ploiesti’s feeder club. After that he joined FC Brasov.
As a conclusion concerning these transfers: The people who lead world football explained and insisted that football clubs participate in competitions, not their chairmen and that the players belong to the clubs not to the club’s owners. In “U” Cluj’s case the players were transferred with no rational reason, breaking the sport regulations and the fiscal laws. These transfers were made for Florian Walter’s private benefit, he made the transfers not the football club. The club would have received a large amount of money from these transfers because of the value of the players that were sold for free( for example : Gheorghe Grozav, Anthony Nwakaeme, Lukasz Szukala, Sebastian Cojocnean). With this record transfer income Universitatea Cluj Napoca’s state debts would have been reduced. In addition the Cluj ‘organised crime ‘prosecutors stated that the prejudice brought to the football club by those who committed this dilapidation has a value around 10-11 million euro. Furthermore the people that ran the affairs of this club treated some players with great disrespect which is unacceptable in modern football.
Summary for the “transfer section” from the legal view: “U” Cluj Napoca invested in signing and growing players. Knowing that he will leave the club, Florian Walter didn’t pay the taxes to the State’s Budget for an entire season. “U” Cluj players were moved to Petrolul Ploiesti on free transfers, in order to avoid registering and paying the VAT required for this type of transactions. Universitatea Cluj Napoca football club was robbed, dilapidated and it became impossible for it to pay its very large debts acquired in the last year. With its accounts blocked by the FISC, institution which wants to recover the club’s budget debts, it was impossible for the company to carry on its activity in normal conditions. In fact the the aim is to end the activity of FC Universitatea Cluj Napoca by moving the club to another city or by starting the bankruptcy process or by excluding the football club from the Romanian First League. The main reason behind this is to erase all evidence that could uncover the serious illegal acts done by the ones who managed the club and the enrichment of Florian Walter
Other aspects that are in contradiction with the law and the sport regulations
B. From our information, several players did not have contracts with “Universitatea Cluj” football club but with the Romprest sanitation company which is not registered to LPF ( Professional Football League ). These players are George Galamaz, Ovidiu Hoban, Marian Cristescu, Mircea Bornescu. This is contrary to the sport regulations and the labor law. So far, we haven’t been able to verify this information.
C. After the departure of Florian Walter, the football club has been led by two FIFA ‘ player agents ‘ who were appointed by Walter action which is prohibited by the international regulations. The two of them were active on the transfer market using agent companies even though they stated that they have suspended their agent license. There are testimonials that during the time she was manager at “U” Cluj , Ana Maria Prodan-Reghecampf was also representing as an agent several players from the team. Is no question that matches can be arranged, including for bookmakers, with the help of the two ‘ player agents ‘ Ana Maria Prodan Reghecampf and Traian Gherghişan ( appointed as manager ). “U” Cluj is also suspected to be participating in pre-arranged matches because of the agents that run the club and control the players. These aspects keep the supporters away from the stadium and destroy “U” Cluj.
D. According to our information, TV rights money have not entered in the club’s account but in other accounts which belong to the chairman. Attention! There is information that many other chairmen from clubs that are a part of Romanian First League have received money in their personal accounts or in other accounts than the club’s. This “maneuver” aimed to “dodge” the State Budget. It is well known that many teams are in debt and their accounts blocked. With the complicity of Professional Football League’s president and vice-president of Romanian Football Federation, Dumitru Dragomir, the companies that own the clubs are being robbed. Dumitru Dragomir brokered TV rights money not to enter , through LPF , in the club’s accounts but directly in the chairmen’s accounts. The heads of FRF and LPF, the ones who should help and deal with football club development in fact rob and embezzle Romanian football.
E. In terms of sports. It is known by everyone that Florian Walter owns both “U” Cluj and Petrolul Ploieşti although competition’s internal regulations prohibit a chairman to own more than one club. The head of LPF, Dumitru Dragomir and other people involved in the two clubs ( players, coaches, managers ) made statements in this regard. Normally, as has happened in other countries, to enforce sportsmanship and normal development of the competition, measures should be taken against the chairman and the team that benefited from these unlawful acts. In this case, sports regulations are deliberately violated by the head of LPF Dumitru Dragomir who is in cahoots with Florian Walter. Being informed about Florian Walter’s plans Dumitru Dragomir should have prohibited the transfers. However, Dumitru Dragomir did nothing to defend “U” Cluj, a club that is a member of LPF, from the mafia maneuvers which let the club to near dissolution. It should be also added that if a person owns more than one club a sistem is created in which points can be ‘ gifted ‘ between teams and chairmen who are friends. Thus, sports hierarchies are not correct. For example. It is possible that “U” Cluj club to be forced by the ‘ behind the scene chairman’ Florian Walter, to give points away to a certain team X, team which later on won’t defend their chances agains Petrolul Ploiesti, a team positioned in the top of the league table. Matches are no longer disputed on the field, but in the offices of the chairman. In the European competitions will participate teams that don’t deserve it, their participation being facilitated by backstage agreements. In fact, last championships were affected by the actions of Romanian football mafia.
We attach evidence from the Trade Registry, extracts of 31 august 2012, from which it is clear that Walter had leadership positions in two clubs and made illegal transfers.
Page “petro 4″ – Walter club administrator at Petrolul Ploiesti
Page “ucluj 7″ – Walter is director of the “U” even though he gave away the shares he had at the club.
F. Also in terms of sports. Since the beginning of the championship, Dumitru Dragomir announced that “U” Cluj will be dissolved. But he is elected to protect the interests of the clubs not to help them get dissolved. Being controlled by the ‘ mafia ‘ , the Romanian Championship is seriously affected by non equal referees. The press is full of articles showing how hierarchies in recent years are affected by serious referee mistakes. Dragomir’s announcement led some referees to understand that “U” must disappear from the Premier League, because that’s what the ‘strong’ decided. Therefore “U” Cluj’s position in the league table has been affected by extremely unfavorable referee decisions. This confirms the press releases according to which the First League final standings are know before the season starts. These teams then participate in European competitions and collect large undeserved amounts of money.( Coincidence or not, football club Universitatea Craiova was treated the same. The team relegated after a series of unfavorable refereed matches that followed Dumitru Dragomir’s statements against the team )
G. What is happening to “U” Cluj is not a first. LPF and FRF actively participated in the dissolution of two clubs with great tradition in Romanian football : Universitatea Craiova, multiple First League champions and Politehnica Timişoara. A grotesque scenario with fake documents and other serious illegalities was staged against Universitatea Craiova. In the case of Politehnica Timişoara , the club was robbed by chairman Marian Iancu. He sold over twenty players to other clubs and the transfer fees weren’t received by the club because the money went into Marian Iancu’s accounts. In short, actions like embezzlement, tax evasion, robbing that led to the destruction of Politehnica Timişoara club. In the case of the three clubs with great tradition U Craiova, Politehnica Timişoara, “U” Cluj, nobody in Romanian football leadership has intervened to defend football and sport . On the contrary, FRF and LPF leadership helped the disappearance of these clubs through complicity and passivity. The two organizations never act to protect the clubs, but to protect the owners of the clubs. This illegalities lead to the deterioration of the Romanian football image and destroying it. Large regions of Romania, Oltenia and Banat, lost their traditional football teams but that does not bother the Romanian football mafia. Now, this football mafia , is struggling to destroy the most important and loved football club in Transylvania, “Universitatea” Cluj-Napoca. These actions attack the very essence of football. In three historical regions of the country, with over 10 million inhabitants, three clubs with great tradition in youth player development children are no longer drawn to the stadium, to the football phenomenon. This is what leaderships of LFP and FRF have ‘accomplished’ in recent years
It is very important that FIFA and UEFA make an analysis and a serious enquiry. Otherwise the mafia will erase Romania from the football map for good. The mafia members believe that they control everything in football, that they own everything, that the players are their slaves and the supporters are a bunch of fools. They move the players and the money from one pocked to another as if they, the owners, play in the League not the teams, the football clubs.A chairman has become more important than a team’s hundred years history. Things are completely out of control. In all statements, Dumitru Dragomir wants to fool the people and declares that Romanian football is running after its own laws and regulations. He repeatedly explains that because LPF regulations are not violated, the illegal acts of the club owners do not exist. As if these regulations are more important than the Constitution, which establishes the institutions and functions of law, or than the “Criminal Code”. Dragomir says that football is above the laws of the country, which encourages the club’s owners to make serious irregularities, some described here. Chairman Walter’s fiscal offenses and breaches of regulations and also the FRF and LFP leadership’s complicity to these acts are very obvious. For these actions of the mafia organization to stop and things to go back to normal, it is necessary for the international football forums to intervene. Otherwise, Romanian football institutions by its representatives will continue to cover up the illegalities and encourage other doubtful individuals to commit unlawful acts.
Until these aspects are dealt with , “Universitatea” Cluj remains ‘ nobody’s ‘ club, being sentenced to dissolution although it’s not the club’s fault that it has been robbed and dilapidated by an organized mafia group. This organized group also controls the local authorities. For example The City Hall of Cluj owns shares at the club but has not been listed as prejudiced party in the trial concerning the robbing of the football club “U” Cluj. Moreover, Florian Walter managed to ward off the only serious investor who has submitted an offer to buy the club, the German company DK Sportler. It is a clear case of malevolence from the chairman. Representatives of the company have negotiated with Florian Walter in November, evidence that he has positions in two clubs. German investor’s conclusion was that Florian Walter does not want to sell the club and that it disrespectful of him to call them to Bucharest if he had no intention to negotiate. The only reason for which Walter does not want to sell the club, is that he wants by any means to escape the rigors of the law.
Until all these illegal aspects concerning the actions and offences made by the club’s owner, Florian Walter are dealt with, the fans are the only ones who remain devoted to the club and fight desperately for its salvation, a club which the Romanian football mafia wants it to disappear.
With respect,
Adrian Cinpoeru
Gelu Radu